Communicative dynamics and interpersonal interactions…
…Also known as people, talking to people.
Our everyday interactions are a mix of visual cues, verbal content, power dynamics, social norms and other factors that shape what we convey, what we comprehend, and how we are perceived by others. Dialogue driven by questions adds a further challenge: how can one effectively shape a conversation to promote depth of engagement? With practice, one can learn to navigate these dimensions more effectively.
From beginner to advanced
Starting with the basics and moving to special contexts such as interviews, meetings and classrooms: here are the tips, tricks, science and best practices behind how we interact with others.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step in the classroom? My book Beyond the Lecture: Interacting with Students and Shaping the Classroom Dynamic offers a review of relevant literature on the science of learning and concrete things to try in the classroom; or contact the author for information about coaching sessions and workshops.
What We Say
is as important as how we say it.